Collection: ZipLink Beds

Struggling to decide between two singles and a double bed or maybe you just want the flexibility of choice? Host the the grandkids over on a Friday night, each with their own bed (no squabbles), and the following night; a luxuriously large double for any unexpected guests all with just a zip and link simple switch

Design your own zip and link beds, customising frame colour, headboard style, bed size, storage and more for a smarter slumber. 

We’re well equipped to facilitate large-quantity orders fitting commercial overnight spaces, shop now. 

Convenient Home & Hotel Zip Together Beds

Two single beds, that join together, make up a largely comfortable double bed - fitting together or pulled apart as and when needed. Perfect for homes, hotels and rental accommodations, choose from Kingsize zip link beds UK & EU and Queensize zip link beds UK & EU.

The zip together single beds join together using zips and linking bards providing a completely different sleeping arrangement in a matter of minutes. The bed bases are joined at both the head and the foot by easily manoeuvrable linking bars.

Designed for accommodation types of all shapes and sizes our easy to transport zip and link beds are available for homeowners or can be produced in large volumes for commercial spaces such as:

  • Guest houses
  • Hotels
  • Rental accommodations
  • University accommocations
  • Guest rooms
  • Halls of residence
  • Couples requiring different mattress types
  • Children’s bedrooms
  • Regular home movers

Free Delivery On All Zip & Link Beds By Ox Beds

Shipping from our Yorkshire facility, you’ll receive free shipping on all of our zip and link beds as well as complete after-sales services should you need us. For more information on our shipping and returns policy please see the relevant information pages.

We’re bed experts, so much so that we handcraft each and every every mattress and zip link bed frame, all in the name of comfort, for you and your pocket. Find affordable bedtime solutions and benefit from over thirty years of expert bedtime knowledge from our helpful customer service team. If you have any queries regarding our products or services please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we’re happy to help.