How a Good Mattress Leads to Better Sleep

How a Good Mattress Leads to Better Sleep

1. Achieve Adequate, Quality Night-time Sleep

Topping off this list is the key advantage of having a good mattress from a bad one–getting a tight sleep, rest, or nap every time. Depending on the mattress type you have, they can either offer pressure point relief, back support, or both, while making you feel like you’re on cloud nine.

A good mattress should support your sleep and not ruin it. If you’re feeling uncomfortable every night, having difficulty sleeping, or waking up with body pain, these may be signs that it’s time to buy a new mattress.

2. Promote Good Form and Posture

People sleep in different sleeping positions and might not even be aware of it. By having not just a good mattress but also the right one, you can maintain or improve your form and posture. If you have a consistent sleeping position every night, you must have the right mattress that promotes proper form and posture.

For instance, side sleepers are more prone to back pain as their fetal sleeping position puts strain on the back and neck. It can also apply pressure to the arms and shoulders since it’ll be pressed onto the mattress, restricting blood flow. If you tend to sleep on your right side, this position can also add stress to your organs.

Thankfully, memory foam mattresses got side sleepers covered. The material’s responsiveness can maintain spine alignment and provide cushion to pressure points. However, if you opt for other mattress types that aren’t side sleeper-friendly, your joints and spine can be compromised. 

3. Keep Your Mental and Emotional Health in Check

Having a bad mattress can indeed mess up your sleep. At first, this could only lead to sleepless nights, but sleeping every night on a bad mattress can eventually lead to sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep is known to be linked to various short- and long-term consequences, and it can take a heavy toll on your mental and emotional health.

Here are some of the most common effects of poor, inadequate sleep on your mental and emotional health:

  • Lack of sharpness and mindfulness.
  • Causes daytime grogginess and frequent yawning.
  • Promotes mood swings and irritability.
  • Exacerbates mental conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Induces poor cognitive functioning and performance.

By sleeping on a good mattress, your chances of enjoying a sound sleep increase, and you’ll less likely experience these health consequences mentioned above. However, take note that a good bed won’t be enough to achieve the best sleep, which will lead you to the next point.



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